API The Docs – Showcase Your Devportal 

We invited developer portal teams to share their best practices, pushing the state of the art to excellence: DevPortal Awards nominated teams tell us of the challenges they successfully overcame or are currently navigating, showcase the solutions they are particularly proud of.

API The Docs is a conference series for technical writers, API developers, product owners and developer evangelists who embrace documentation as a crucial aspect of a great developer experience. It is a great opportunity to share and discuss the latest best practices, strategies and new trends relevant to API documentation and developer experience!

Code of Conduct

Every format of API The Docs follows the ground rules of the Write The Docs community: be friendly, be respectful, be careful in the words that you choose. The events are held online since 2020. If you need to report any issue for a reason, please contact info@apithedocs.org. All reports will be kept confidential.


ATD Virtual Season 3 Recaps

ATD Virtual Season 3 has now concluded, the recaps & recordings are available on the Pronovix blog

Registrations now open!

Sign up now for the brand new editions of the Virtual 2021 Series. 

Program announced

New speakers  for the brand new Virtual 2021 Series have been announced!


Yoti Developer Portal

Yoti Developer Portal

Kiran Bali

FourKites Developer Portal

FourKites Developer Portal

Sankar Babu & the FourKites Team

Ringcentral Developers

RingCentral Developers

Michael Stowe

Wultra Developer Portal

Wultra Developer Portal

Petr Dvorak

Amadeus for Developers

Amadeus for Developers

Francois Masson

KBC Developer Portal

KBC Developer Portal

Katrien Van Gijsel and Machteld Swillen

Euler Hermes

Euler Hermes Developer Portal

Sophie Rutard and Emmanuel Teyssier


Reonomy Technical Documentation

Peter Henderson


platformOS Developer Portal

Diana Lakatos & Adam Broadway

ABN AMRO Developer Portal

ABN AMRO Developer Portal

Koen Adolfs & the ABN AMRO devportal team


Onfido Developer Hub

Phoebe Baxter & Francesca Gaunard & David Vilf


G+D Convego® Connect APIs

Meenakshi Khatri & Rahul Chavan


Smartcar Developer Platform

Sanketh Katta


Codat Portal

Callum Taylor


Barclays API Exchange

Liam Gallagher & Jake Eastham


BT API Developer Portal

John Daffern & Abhijit Dasgupta & Sunin Shah

Karl Salisbury profile image

Karl Salisbury


Open sourcing Adyen’s API explorer

Christoph Weber profile image

Christoph Weber


An overview of devportal technologies and their (dis)advantages

Phoebe Baxter profile image

Phoebe Baxter


Scaling your API-first product strategy

Nono Vazquez profile image

Mariano Vazquez


How to develop an API ecosystem in the fintech industry from the ground up

David Vilf profile image

David Vilf


Scaling your API-first product strategy

Carson Hunter profile image

Carson Hunter

Metadata Technology North America

Generating interactive Postman docs

Olaf Stelter profile image

Olaf Stelter

Mercedes-Benz AG

Leveraging API Docs and Tools at Mercedes-Benz /developers

Brendan Lynch profile image

Brendan Lynch


Blood, sweat, and creating an API handbook

Kathrine Osadchenko profile image

Kathrine Osadchenko


Measure and improve API references with use cases: challenges and best practice

Felix Kerger profile image

Felix Kerger


Lessons learned: Choosing your documentation system

Lisa Karlin Curtis profile image

Lisa Karlin Curtis


How to avoid breaking other people's things

Yantian You profile image

Yantian You


API First Workflow: How could we have better API Docs through DevOps pipeline

Anna Tsolakou profile image

Anna Tsolakou


Why you need a Developer Relations team for your API

Mihaela-Roxana Ghidersa profile image

Mihaela-Roxana Ghidersa

Centric IT Solutions Romania

GraphQL vs BFF: A critical perspective

Dana Scheider profile image

Dana Scheider


The Joy of Docs, or, Technical Writing for Developers and Engineers


15:00-15:05 UTC


15:05-15:25 UTC

FourKites Developer Portal - demo and Q&A with Sankar Babu (Staff Software Engineer) & FourKites Team

15:30-15:50 UTC

Wultra Developer Portal - demo and Q&A with Petr Dvorak (CEO)

15:55-16:15 UTC

Yoti Developer Poral - demo and Q&A with Kiran Bali (Head of Integrations)

16:20-16:40 UTC

Ringcentral Developers - demo and Q&A with Michael Stowe (Director of Developer Marketing)

16:40-16:55 UTC


15:00-15:05 UTC


15:05-15:25 UTC

KBC Developer Portal - demo and Q&A with Katrien Van Gijsel (Team lead at KBC Bank & Verzekering)

15:30-15:50 UTC

Euler Hermes Developer Portal - demo and Q&A with Sophie Rutard (Head of Documentation Management)

15:55-16:15 UTC

Amadeus for Developers - demo and Q&A with Francois Masson (Manager of Product Management and UX/UI team)

16:20-16:40 UTC

Reonomy Technical Documentation - demo and Q&A with Peter Henderson (Software Engineer and Technical Writer)

16:40-16:55 UTC


15:00-15:05 UTC


15:05-15:25 UTC

  ABN AMRO Developer Portal - demo and Q&A with Koen Adolfs (Lead Product Owner) & ABN AMRO devportal team

15:30-15:50 UTC

G+D Convego® Connect APIs - demo and Q&A with Meenakshi Khatri (Global Solutions Product Manager)

15:55-16:15 UTC

platformOS Developer Portal - demo and Q&A with Diana Lakatos (Director of Documentation)

16:20-16:40 UTC

 Onfido Developer Hub - demo and Q&A with Phoebe Baxter (Software Technical Writer) and David Vilf (Senior Product Manager)

16:40-16:55 UTC


16:00-16:05 UTC


16:05-16:25 UTC

BT API Developer Portal - demo and Q&A with John Daffern (API Platform Senior Product Manager) and Rose Nicholson (Senior Manager - Partnership Delivery & Transformation)

16:30-16:50 UTC

Barclays API Exchange - demo and Q&A with Liam Gallagher (UX Design Lead) and Jake Eastham (Frontend Developer)

16:55-17:15 UTC

Codat Portal - demo and Q&A with Callum Taylor (Product Lead)

17:20-17:40 UTC

Smartcar Developer Platform - demo and Q&A with Amber Livingston (Marketing Communications Manager) and Sanketh Katta (CTO + Founder) 

17:40-17:55 UTC
