BT API Developer Portal

John Daffern & Abhijit Dasgupta & Sunin Shah

For the 2021 autumn season of API The Docs, 16 DevPortal Awards nominee teams share the highlights of their devportal journey. Each team will introduce the best features of their sites, share their experiences, talk about their future plans, and participate in Q&A sessions.


About the session


Date: 3 November, 2021


John Daffern (API Platform Senior Product Manager), Abhijit Dasgupta (Principal Solution Architect APIs and Microservices) and Sunin Shah (Solution Design and Documentation Standards Specialist) will introduce the BT developer portal. The site was nominated in the "Best Internal Devportal", "Best Use of Monetization", and "Best Use of API Gateway Integration" categories for the Devportal Awards 2021.


About the portal

"BT has developed and launched a new and improved developer portal to support and promote the growing API strategy across all business units within the company.

The portal provides a one stop shop for anyone wanting to integrate, either to use our network and customer base to provide B2B2C services. Or to simply use one of our numerous APIs.

Targeting both business development users and technical developers, the site offers information regarding our range of API products from case studies and marketing content to technical reference documentation on how our APIs work. Upon registration, visitors can instantly test out some of our most popular APIs by building apps with test data, free of charge.

Once on-boarded, partners can access both monetised and non-monetised production APIs through the portal.

The site is a destination for external developers, but also used internally by BT developers, providing access to documentation and the ability to build apps.

Due to the complexity of APIs we are able to if needed have a customised app creation process for each API, that allows us to collect additional information from customers needed for certain APIs, within the digital experience. Also federate out approvals to our account managers for API access (so no scaling issues).

Key features of the site include:

• Marketing content and case studies to attract new business

• Rendered OpenAPI Spec, API reference documentation for developer audiences

• Sandbox and Production environments all in one place

• ‘My Apps’ area for developers to access built apps and keys

• SSO for BT employees

• Business led workflows for onboarding customers and app approvals

• Adobe tracking for site analytics"


Recaps are published: watch BT’s devportal demo and Q&A on the Pronovix recap page »