API The Docs Virtual 2023

Feedback, Metrics and Analytics

Dates: 25 January, 8 February, 22 February 


Thank you for participating!

Videos and slide decks are available on the recap pages.

See the recordings »


How to get feedback to improve developer experience?

What are the crucial metrics to look at on developer portals? How does the abundance of data become meaningful insight?

How to define KPIs and success indicators, and how to get qualitative feedback?  

Last December API The Docs organised a Feedback, Metrics and Analytics track at Apidays Paris. This series of live online events continues to explore the topic. We invite speakers to show what tooling they use, how they think about KPIs and success indicators, what is worth measuring on the community side of docs, and more.

API The Docs is a vendor-agnostic knowledge-sharing event space dedicated to explore the state of the art, best practices and individual stories of API documentation and developer portals. The events are recorded and the talks will be shared later on.


Feedback form

Help us and share your thoughts on how we could improve the upcoming online & offline editions of API The Docs. We value every feedback!

The form is anonymous, and it takes max. 5 minutes to fill it in.

Presentation recaps are published

We publish the talk recordings together with the slide decks and our notes the week after the online events. Sign up to the newsletter to get notification.

Advocacy at Spotify for Developers

Serah Njambi Kiburu & Alvaro Navarro talked with us about the two enemies of developer empathy, and their practices to optimise and scale for the community’s real needs. We also asked why Spotify even needs an API developer portal, and why isn’t it built on backstage? (spoiler alert) …


James Noes profile image

James Noes


Optimizing Dev Portals with Analytics and Feedback

Matthew Revell profile image

Matthew Revell


By the time they're reading the docs, it's already too late

Alvin Cho profile image

Alvin Cho


Success metrics when launching your first developer portal

Kumar Dhanagopal profile image

Kumar Dhanagopal


Making sense of analytics for documentation pages

Serah Njambi Kiburu

Serah Njambi Kiburu


Feedback cycles and their role in improving overall developer experiences

Zdenek Nemec profile image

Zdenek Nemec


Documentation, APIs & AI


16:00-16:05 UTC

Opening remarks

16:25-16:45 UTC
16:45-17:00 UTC

Panel discussion

17:00-17:05 UTC

Closing remarks

16:00-16:10 UTC

Opening remarks

16:30-16:50 UTC

Zdenek Nemec: Documentation, APIs & AI

16:50-17:10 UTC

Panel discussion

17:10-17:15 UTC

Closing remarks

16:00-16:10 UTC

Opening remarks

16:50-17:10 UTC

Panel discussion

17:10-17:15 UTC

Closing remarks