API The Docs track within API Days Paris 2022

15 Dec 2022 Cité des sciences et de l’industrie Paris, France.

11am-17.30pm CET: API Documentation and Developer Experience, now focus on feedback, metrics and analytics. 

17.30-19.30pm CET: DevPortal Awards Gala event, celebrating the finest API devportals in 2022.


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API Documentation and Developer Experience track at APIDays Paris 2022

The docs track in 2022 focuses on feedback, metrics and analytics. For all audiences who embrace documentation as necessary for a great user experience. What are the new trends in API documentation? What are the ways to enhance the developer experience on your API portal? What practices, strategies others recommend when it comes to user feedback, docs metrics and analytics? 

See you on the 15th of December, we start at 11 o'clock CET, program to be announced later. 

We close the day with the DevPortal Awards Gala (part 2), announcing the finest devportals of the year! 

The DevPortal Awards 2022 Gala Events (30th Nov & 15th Dec) are dedicated to celebrate teamwork and excellence. We will invite the Award Winners and the Jurors to share their insights on the virtual stage: what lessons they learnt and what challenges they had to face.

The conference and the gala event are virtual and in-person (Paris, France) events. Registration is required.  

Every API The Docs event follows the Write The Docs community Code of Conduct


Lukas Rosenstock

Lukas Rosenstock

Freelance Developer & API Consultant

OpenAPI: An Early Design Feedback Engine

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Meenakshi Khatri

Giesecke+Devrient Mobile Security

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Kristof Van Tomme


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Rainer Loopere

Katana DP

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 Daniel Izquierdo Cortázar

Daniel Izquierdo Cortázar


Metrics Strategy for your APIs developer's community