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Kumar Dhanagopal


Making sense of analytics for documentation pages

About the talk: 

As content producers, we invest considerable time and effort in developing, packaging, and delivering content that we think our users need. After publishing the content, we hope that users find our content useful. And we often wonder how users really navigate and consume our content. Web page analytics can help us gauge the information needs of our customers, assess their content consumption behavior, and find opportunities to improve our content and how we deliver it.

In this session, we’ll explore the following topics:

  • Basics of web analytics
  • Pitfalls of relying too much on web analytics for important decisions
  • The typical web analytics process
  • Guidelines for interpreting web analytics numbers


About the speaker:

Kumar is currently a staff technical writer at Google in the Bay area, USA. Before Google, he worked for Oracle, BEA Systems, SAP, and Intel. He has delivered technical documentation for products in a variety of domains: cloud infrastructure services, data center hardware, enterprise middleware, business applications, telecom protocols, and desktop hardware. A few years ago, he started exploring web analytics, to learn how our customers consume the information that we deliver. He hasn't found all the answers, and his web analytics journey continues. Along the way, he has learned some important lessons about the value (and the limitations) of web analytics as a source of data for generating insights into customers’ needs and behavior.