One-day conference about API documentation and developer portals

API The Docs is an event for tech writers, API developers, product owners and developer evangelists who embrace documentation as a crucial aspect of a great developer experience. The conference is a great opportunity to share and discuss the latest best practices, strategies and new trends relevant to API documentation and developer portals!

What's new

Previous editions were hosted with the help of generous sponsors, but now we are renting an amazing auditorium at the Barbican Centre to be able to welcome more documentarians and API practitioners.

Speaker Selection Committee

Introducing a Speaker Selection Committee in Paris proved to be a good idea, speakers delivered excellent talks. So we decided to invite people from the documentation community again. We are thrilled to announce that Anne Gentle, Jennifer Lambourne, Laura Vass and Chris Ward confirmed to select talks for London! Proposals are accepted until September 15th, and the agenda is expected in early October.

Post-conference Networking

The Barbican Centre also hosts our post-conference networking, which is part of the gala event of the DevPortal Awards. We plan it to be a 3-hour gathering with cold snacks, canapés, mocktails and some beer & wine. The first part of the evening will be devoted to the Awards ceremony and the second part will give an excellent opportunity for socializing and networking with peers from the API community.

Code of Conduct

API The Docs follows the ground rules of the Write The Docs community: be friendly, be respectful, be careful in the words that you choose. This Code of Conduct applies to the post-conference networking event as well.



Sophie Rutard photo

Sophie Rutard

Euler Hermes

The API BizDev Portal

Nick Bradley photo

Nick Bradley


Documenting Hypermedia APIs

Richard Thomchick photo

Richard Thomchick


VMware's Journey to Deliver Developer Portals as a Service

Emmelyn Wang photo

Emmelyn Wang


Content Strategy for DevPortals

Andrew Johnston photo

Andrew Johnston


The trials and tribulations of the API style guide

Tony Heap photo

Tony Heap

HM Revenue & Customs

HMRC Developer Hub - an Experience Report

Mick Schonhut photo

Mick Schonhut

HM Revenue & Customs

HMRC Developer Hub - an Experience Report

Lorna Jane Mitchell

Lorna Jane Mitchell


Introduction to OAS

Atsushi Nakatsugawa photo

Atsushi Nakatsugawa


How to create the API document from real API and localization

James Scott photo

James Scott


Is GraphQL really "self-documenting"?

Joyce Lin photo

Joyce Lin


The Ultimate API publisher’s guide

Cristiano Betta photo

Cristiano Betta


I try to use your API, you won't believe what happens next (live testing)

Luis Weir photo

Luis Weir


API design for Microservices using Apiary


Barbican Centre: Silk St, London EC2Y 8DS