DevPortal Awards Jury Interview - Special Edition Part 4



The API The Docs Podcast brings you a Special Edition series with insights from the 2023 DevPortal Awards. Each year, the DevPortal Awards seeks the most outstanding solutions with the help of experienced jurors, who are volunteers with extensive knowledge of API programs, developer portals, and API documentation. In the Special Edition series, we share interviews with the jurors which were recorded during the online Awards Gala events in November, 2023.

How can one make their devportal accessible and useful at the same time? What can devportal owners do to support inclusive design? We were honored to ask Susanna Laurin (Certified Professional in Accessibility Core Competencies, G3ict and IAAP Representative to the EU) about these questions in 2023’s DevPortal Awards framework. As she highlighted, developer portals were a new field for her, and she saw many angles to approach accessibility. We are happy to share Susanna’s remarks and suggestions with you.Further resources: