Mehdi Medjaoui
CA Technologies
The state of Banking APIs portals in the PSD2 forced innovation
Mehdi Medjaoui is the founder of APIdays conferences, the main API conference series worldwide (including the Banking API conference since 2015) co-author of the State of API documentation 2017 and the Banking APIs Industry report : State of the market (2015, 2016, 2017). Mehdi is now part of the API academy, a group of researchers on API practice sponsored by CA technologies. Previously, he has been the co-founder of oauth.io, an SaaS OAuth API middleware for OAuth integration and implementation used by 40,000+ developers, acquired in December 2017. Mehdi is also the designer of the API Industry Landscape, organizer of API meetups in Paris and SanFrancisco and is highly involved in the API community and API Industry, and had been speaker of top API and Dev conference like API Strategy and Practice, API world, Integrate, Nordic APIs, Endpoint Conf, API360, Developer Week SF, IBM Interconnect etc…