Ilona Koren-Deutsch
Lessons Learned from Rebuilding a Developer Documentation Website
A flexible and dynamic software education professional with over 20 years experience in curriculum development, technical writing, front-end web development, documentation management, planning, analysis, and template development. Documentation has won industry awards. Known for an ability to assimilate and learn complex new materials quickly with ease. Has two years recent experience in technical support. Possesses a passion for education, writing, and learning. Speaks four languages, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in English and two Master’s Degrees.
Talk description
Learn what went well and what didn’t, when Ilona, a technical writer, and Prabhjot, a software engineer, share the story of revamping the developer documentation website at Twitch. Some hints: getting it done required more than just engineering, content, and design. Together they learned how to “manage up” and that the whole project went better because they worked so well as a team.