Michael Schmid
Where’s my data traveling when using AI (KEYNOTE)
AI has taken over the world of conversation interfaces in a storm and shown us the capabilities and opportunities of the future. But as with many new technologies there are also risks, one of them is Data Protection and Data Sovereignty.
In this Keynote, we are going to look at how our data is traveling through different AI solutions, where the data is stored and the risks connected to that.
At last, we are also going to look at how we can reduce these risks and ensure that even our deepest thoughts and secrets we share with AI are safe.
Michael is a hopeless optimist and tech nerd through and through. He's been driven by a passion for technology and always wanting to know more about how things work since childhood. This started with checking out library books on coding and typing examples in by hand and continued through learning about leadership as a First Lieutenant in the Swiss military, gaining hands-on experience as a developer, and carries on today in his current role as founder and head of technology for amazee.io
In his spare time, he loves learning, building, and trying his hand at everything from drone videography, customizing an Airstream, and managing a perfectly curated Instagram account for his Swiss Mountain Dog.