Are you truly listening to your users? Are you consistently translating their feedback into tangible improvements for your API program? We know how the story goes: no matter how determined you are to build a customer-centric product, at the end of the day, the tight deadlines and shifting product roadmap priorities can get in the way between you and your users. If you are still struggling to define an effective strategy to translate your users’ feedback into an awesome DX, we are here to tell you that you are not alone. And that there is hope.

Having provided APIs to large businesses for over two decades, last year we underwent a transformation to launch our open API program, and we learned a thing or two about DX. In this talk, I’ll share the tactics we have implemented to integrate developers’ feedback into our product, and some major missteps we have made along the way. From user interviews and usability tests, to launching a beta testers community and defining a methodology to get feedback at hackathons, we have tried them all.

By sharing best practices and lessons learned from the trenches, we hope to inspire other API enthusiasts to explore new ways to place DX at the core of their products.